Energy-efficient cleanroom solutions: Cost reduction through microenvironments and laminar flow boxes

Energy-efficient cleanroom solutions: Cost reduction through microenvironments and laminar flow boxes

Increasing energy costs require efficient solutions in semiconductor production. We present strategies for reducing costs through energy-efficient cleanroom technologies, in particular through microenvironments and laminar flow boxes. Efficient technologies can significantly reduce energy consumption and significantly reduce operating costs (McKinsey & Company).

Measures for energy-efficient cleanroom solutions

Microenvironments for energy saving

Microenvironments are specialized areas within a clean room that offer high cleanliness standards with low energy consumption. These small, locally controlled environments enable precise and efficient regulation of air quality, reducing energy consumption. We are seeing that more and more companies are switching from large cleanrooms to a range of cleanroom cabins, cleanroom enclosures and laminar flow boxes in order to optimize their energy consumption. Microenvironments such as these make it possible to concentrate the contamination-free environment on specific areas, resulting in a significant reduction in overall energy consumption.

Laminar flow boxes from Nordair Systems: These boxes create high-purity air zones in clean rooms and are ideal for semiconductor production. They make it possible to maximize cleanliness in a small space while reducing energy consumption. contact usto find out how laminar flow boxes can make your production more efficient.

Optimize ISO requirements

Many companies work in high ISO classes, although lower classes would often be sufficient to meet production requirements. ISO class 5 cleanrooms require significantly more energy than ISO 7 or 8, as higher air exchange rates and stricter contamination controls are required. Careful planning and optimization of the ISO class can therefore significantly contribute to energy savings.

We help companies identify the optimal ISO class for their specific production requirements and thus minimize energy consumption. Reducing the cleanroom class from ISO 5 to ISO 7 significantly reduces energy consumption. This is achieved by carefully analyzing the necessary purity requirements and adjusting the air exchange rates in accordance with actual production conditions.

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